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Every Christopher Walken Dance In One Convenient Video Package

Christopher Walken dances from tons of his movies, set to an 80's dance blast from the past.

By RoAnna SylverPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

Hello readers and movie enthusiasts! I'm proud to make my debut post here, and look forward to sharing a lot of amazing things with you. I'll be specializing in digging through the depths of the interwebs to find awesome fan-made content, because if there's anything I love, it's really well-made fanart, videos, edits, fanfiction, and anything else that shows fandom responding to the awesome movies, TV and games we take in. Fans are smart, creative, talented and passionate, and Moviepilot is a place where we talk back, and show the cool stuff we can do, inspired by the movies we love.

So I couldn't think of a better first thing to share than one of the best fanvids I've seen in a long time - Christopher Walken dances from tons of his movies, set to an 80's dance blast from the past. Everybody dance, now! (And that means you, Mr. Walken. Dance.)


About the Creator

RoAnna Sylver

Writes weird books about marginalized people surviving/rocking out (CHAMELEON MOON, STAKE SAUCE), amazing puns, and geeky articles. Lives with chronic pain/genetic weirdness. An actual mutant. Open Your Eyes, Look Up To The Skies And See!

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