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Harry Potter: 10 Mistakes J.K. Rowling Made

She can't be perfect...

By Charlotte PoitrasPublished 6 years ago 11 min read
Via OMG Facts

With more than 550 million copies sold worldwide, Harry Potter is the best-selling book series that ever existed. Many people would agree that J.K. Rowling is one of the best writers in the world, as she created a whole new universe that made Potterheads dream that she was actually a wizard who didn't care about the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. Some people might argue that the Queen can't make any mistake and just didn't explain some things yet. But we still found out about many things that don't make sense in the Harry Potter story. This is why we are showing you ten mistakes J.K. Rowling made.

Ron and Hermione ended up together.

Via OMG Facts

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, we didn't think that they could ever be friends, as Ron called Hermione a "nightmare." That is, until the two friends saved her life and became the golden trio. It is not until Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that the redhead found out that “Hermione, Neville’s right—you are a girl…” and became jealous when he saw her walking down the stairs in a beautiful dress to join Viktor Krum. She was later upset too when her best friend started dating the annoying Lavender Brown. But out of these negative feelings, they ended up kissing out of nowhere in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Many fans wonder why the beautiful, smart, and courageous Hermione ended up marrying a man who didn't have much to offer. And J.K. Rowling had to admit that they were right as she thinks that Miss Granger should have ended up with Harry instead, as she told Wonderland. It was more like a wish fulfillment and, "For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron." The author even said they would need relationship counseling while Emma Watson told Sunday Times that "I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy."

The twins never noticed Peter Pettigrew on the map.

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In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Fred and George Weasley gave Harry a map that would give him the chance to see where everyone is in Hogwarts as "this little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school." The map was created by Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, who turned out to be Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter who wanted to help anyone who could say, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." But if anyone who knew how to use it had the chance to see, where was everyone at school? Why didn't they all notice that Wormtail was still there?

It doesn't make sense that the Weasley twins spent a couple of years watching their brother sleep with a man named Peter Pettigrew, when he was a rat, and didn't ask any questions. Some fans could argue that the Marauders were simply not on the map as they were the ones who made it, but Harry Potter saw Peter Pettigrew in the hallway in the movie and Lupin noticed him too when he confiscated the map. It is possible to find an explanation, but until J.K. Rowling tells us more about it, it will have to be a little mistake.

Harry was not able to see the Thestrals.

Via Monster Legacy

A Thestral is a breed of winged-horse with a skeletal body that can only be seen by people who have witnessed death. Harry Potter first saw one in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after seeing Cedric Diggory die in front of him. But what surprises us is that Harry Potter didn't see them before in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as they are used to pull the carriages that lead students to Hogwarts. After all, he did see his mother getting killed by Voldemort when he was only a baby.

We don't know if J.K. Rowling really did make a mistake and corrected it later of if she really thought about that before, but she gave an explanation on Pottermore. "Being able to see Thestrals is a sign that the beholder has witnessed death, and gained an emotional understanding of what death means." Harry couldn't see these mystical creatures because he didn't understand what happened when he was a kid. Some fans might argue that he killed his teacher Quirrell in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but he actually passed away before witnessing his death in the book.

Most of the dates are wrong.


In the Harry Potter book series, J.K. Rowling gave us many details on the dates so we could better understand when some things happened. However, she didn't look at a calendar when she was working on the book because most of these dates don't make sense when you look at a Muggle calendar in the real world. For example, in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the beginning of the story takes place on a "dull, grey Tuesday," but in 1981, October 31 was actually on a Saturday. And this is not the only example.

In the first book, the trip to the zoo took place on a Saturday but according to our Muggle calenders, June 23, 1991, was actually on a Sunday. Then, Harry Potter's birthday, July 31, 1991, was supposed to be on a Tuesday but, in the real world, it was actually on a Wednesday. And there are still so many mistakes that we could talk about. We are pretty sure that J.K. Rowling just didn't look at a calendar when she worked on the novel and she thought that fans wouldn't notice. She never expected such hardcore Potterheads to pay attention to these details!

Newt Scamander graduated from Hogwarts.

In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, we learned that Newt Scamander was expelled from Hogwarts. His friend, Leta Lestrange, endangered a student during an experiment involving a Jarvey and he took the blame for her. Albus Dumbledore wanted him to stay, but he was only a transfiguration teacher at that time, so he didn't really have the power to do anything. It didn't stop Newt from working for the Ministry of Magic and later travel around the world to work on his textbook, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

But if you read the about the author section of this textbook, you will notice that something doesn't make sense. You can read "Upon graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Mr. Scamander joined the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures." So unless Newt will go back to school later in the Fantastic Beasts series, we think that J.K. Rowling simply didn't think about his backstory at that time.

Barely no one used a Time-Turner.


In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, we discovered that Hermione was using a Time-Turner to travel back in time and take all the classes she wanted at Hogwarts. The young witch simply had to receive one from Professor McGonagall and not tell anyone about it to benefit from this incredible power. Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy later used it in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child just to show the fans that having too much power can lead to terrible consequences. But don't you think that other people would be interested in using it?

If Albus Dumbledore used it to go back in time, he could have used it to stop Tom Riddle and send him to Azkaban before he had the time to do anything wrong. And if Voldemort himself ever got one, he could have done terrible things and never lose any duel. After all, if he doesn't care about finding a way to get the Philosopher's Stone and the Elder Wand, he probably wouldn't mind getting his hand on a Time-Turner. While using this little gadget too much would have turned the Harry Potter series into something that doesn't make sense at all, we don't understand why no one thought about it later in the series.

Ollivander is losing money.

Via Cosmopolitan

We first met Ollivander in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when the boy who lived had to buy his first wand. Then, we only heard about him a couple of years later in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when he presided the wand weighing ceremony until he was kidnapped by the Death Eaters, escaped, and stayed at the Shell Cottage. He was a minor character, but that doesn't stop everyone from remembering him. However, some Potterheads also wondered how Ollivander managed to make money by selling wands.

A wizard usually needs only one wand that he won't break for at least a couple of years. And we know that every member of the Weasley family has one, so it must not be really expensive. But it just gets worse when you think about wizard economics. According to Slughorn, unicorn hair is worth 10 Galleons for each hair, but it doesn't make sense when you think that a wand only costs seven galleons. Moreover, when you think about all the little wizards like Harry who destroyed the store, it must become really expensive to repair everything without a good spell. This is why wizards should learn about economics at Hogwarts.

A debate took place in Washington in 1777.

Via Pottermore

Even though J.K. Rowling wasn't working on the Harry Potter series anymore, she never left the Wizarding World as she kept telling us more things about this universe on Pottermore. This time, she talked about MACUSA, the Magical Congress of the United States of America, where wizards had to answer important questions: "Did the magical community owe their highest allegiance to the country in which they had made their homes, or to the global underground wizarding community? Were they morally obliged to join American No-Majs in their fight for liberation from the British Muggles? Or was this, simply put, not their fight?"

The writer said that debate took place in Washington in 1777, but some Muggles who listened to their history teacher noticed a mistake. Radio Times pointed out that the city was actually founded in 1790, 13 years after this event took place. Unless the magical community lived there before, we think that J.K. Rowling just forgot to open a history book before writing this short story on Pottermore.

The Triwizard Tournament was a terrible event.

Via Buzzfeed

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the young wizard was forced to compete against the best wizards from three wizarding schools in a competition that was known to be really dangerous. After some incidents, the tournament was canceled, before it got another chance two centuries later when extra safety precautions were added. We still think it is weird that students need their parents' permission to go to Hogsmeade but can risk their lives in a competition as long as they are old enough. But that's not the only mistake that J.K. Rowling made.

Don't you think that the Triwizard Tournament is the most boring competition to watch when you are in the audience? It might be fun to watch the participants steal a golden egg from a dragon. But when they immediately jump into the water and come back only an hour later or get lost in a giant maze for a couple of hours, we don't think that this competition is really interesting. After all, wizards can't watch what is happening on television screens, unlike Muggles. We are really happy that we had the chance to follow Harry Potter in the book because being part of the crowd would have been terrible.

Harry Potter wasn't an Obscurial.

Via Harry Potter Wiki

In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, we learned about a new kind of monster: the Obscurial who turns into an Obscurus. It is known as the manifestation of the repressed energy of a magical child, usually through abuse. This energy turns into an uncontrollable force, a separate entity that can erupt in a destructive fury. Credence Barebone is the greatest example as he was raised by an adoptive mother who wanted witches to die and many fans think that Ariana Dumbledore became one too after she was attacked by Muggles for performing magic. But many people also wondered why Harry Potter didn't become an Obscurus.

After all, McGonagall didn't really like them:"They're the worst kind of Muggles, oh really Albus, must we?" Harry Potter grew up in the cupboard under the stairs and was treated like a servant. He was punished for any sign of magic, and his uncle didn't even want to tell him what really happened to his parents. Some people think that Harry didn't become an Obscurial because he never tried to repress his talent because he didn't even know that magic exists and wouldn't even think of controlling it. Otherwise, it is possible that not every child develops into an obscurus or that J.K. Rowling simply didn't think about that at that time.

No matter what, J.K. Rowling will always be the Queen of the Harry Potter universe, so we can always forgive any little mistake or at least wait for an explanation that we are going to believe no matter what she says. If you want to see other people who made mistakes online, make sure you read 5 Harry Potter Fake News You Probably Believed.


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Charlotte Poitras

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