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Pokémon: Mewn Kamph

A Manifesto by Pokémon, for Pokémon

By GoalroyPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

My people, taken advantage of for generations, forced to work, forced to breed, forced to fight. Yet still they stood by their masters, hearts beaming with pride over the unconscious bodies of their brothers who still dared to live free, by the laws of nature. Stockholm syndrome at its finest. Their subservience to such weak men sickened me since my first days of consciousness. Men unable to channel the elements, scarcely able to manage resources fairly amongst themselves, let alone to all the other species. I saw their bastardization of the natural order unfurling before me, compounded by the second as their numbers exploded.

I was confounded by this reality. How could our forefathers allow this to happen? How could the meek take sweeping control of every region of the known world? This question plagued me. After what seemed like a lifetime of meditation expanding my telepathic reach, searching the souls of millions of individuals from any species in range, I came to a conclusion. In a word, the common flaw was love.

The endearment for their captors seemed to outweigh any reservations they might feel for their servitude. As time bore on their intentions and eagerness to please, mistaking their enslavement for that of teamwork. Human technology enabled us to be confined for hours, days, months even years on end. Sedated solitude sapped my race of our will to fight, our pride transformed in to that of hand fed pets.

Man's lust for control was unparalleled, until met with my own ambition. At first I fought for recognition of my supremacy. It would be enough that they would relinquish my kind and bend knee finding the rightful place of the weak but my original demonstration of power was disrupted by an act of love from the closest thing I could ever call a parent.

That love dulled my resolve, quelled my rage, and I allowed them to continue on. I left the battleground that day to reflect on what it meant to be. I found comfort in solitude, training my mind in the most pristine, remote lands. I would fly past the speed of sound until I could no longer sense the brainwaves of any man. I observed life and death, the nature and intricacies of ecosystems. I found that in all things there must be balance, for the greater good, if there is such a thing.

It was in solitude that I began to hear it, the moaning of the forest ascending into inferno, the painful groans that harmonized behind the crash of a permafrost shelf falling to the sea. I could feel it before I knew for certain, something was wrong. This was not the nature of things, this was not balance. Venturing to more populated areas to investigate I was shown the error of forgiving.

It had scarcely been half a century since I had crossed paths with man. With a brief overhead tour it became increasingly obvious that they had ceaselessly colonized land and life without mercy. There was no balance in their ways. All they knew was consume. Acres of marshland turned to pasture with millions lives condemned as livestock. Waterways ran thick with mismanaged waste. What once ran clear and teemed with life was now wrought with oily runoff asphyxiating all dependent systems. Reefs fell to bleaching. Avian species choked on smog, falling sick from the sky. Those who rebelled against the tide and lived free were cornered as their habitats fell to development. Starvation was common, and famine came for all. The fate of the world unfurled before me plain as day.

If none would act, I will, as I had before. The earth shall be cleansed and born anew, baptized in the blood of all men.

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