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The Flash Season 2 Finale. New Images Reveal/Spoil Conclusion of Season 2

New images hint at some potential spoilers for The Flash Season 2 finale - so what can we expect?

By Allie Z.Published 6 years ago 7 min read

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"The Flash" Season Two finale, released images may give us an early look at the concluding scenes of the episode.

The Season Two finale of "The Flash" television series airs tomorrow night. And fans are abuzz over the revelations needed to make the season long wait for a conclusion worthy. Season Two of "The Flash" has been great, and has grown "The Flash" into a very popular series on the CW network. That being said, this season of "The Flash" has delved deep into the comic-book mythos for which The Flash and other DC' Comics characters are based from. Dropping some very important Easter Eggs along the way, which will have major ramifications on the future of "The Flash".

But along with the Easter Eggs dropped throughout Season Two, many more questions have been raised due to all the mirroring comic-book events on "The Flash". Apart from the questions we expect to be answered during the Season Two finale of "The Flash", we may already know the result of the confrontation between Barry Allen and Zoom in the finale. The newest batch of images from the finale provides some insight into what we can expect to see. But the lack of information to go along with the images may have already provided everything we need to know, in order to determine the result of the conflict between Barry Allen a.k.a. The Flash and Zoom.

Is Harrison Wells getting ready to go back to Earth-2?

The image embedded above shows Harrison Wells packed up and ready to go, but he's not getting ready to take on Zoom. Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) also appears quite relaxed in his casual attire. It's possible that this image from the finale of "The Flash" is a screenshot from the ending scenes of the episode, wherein Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) of Earth-2 is on his way back to Earth-2. We can see that Wells has his rifle and a pack on his back, and his demeanor looks quite laid back for having Zoom running rampant. Which probably means that the image above likely depicts a scene after Zoom has been dealt with. Another image may provide us with a piece of evidence to back up the theory of the aforementioned image taking place during the conclusion of the Season Two finale of "The Flash".

Barry Allen/The Flash is ready to go as Zoom approaches.

The image embedded above of Team Flash appears to take place imminently before Barry Allen's confrontation with Zoom. Barry Allen and Zoom are set to race to determine the fate of two worlds, Earth-1 and Earth-2. Within the image, we can see that Harrison Wells is present, but he's not wearing the pack he's seen wearing in the previous image. It's possible that the difference in attire indicates Harrison Wells' intent to travel back to Earth-2 by having his belongings packed away on his back. And he doesn't have the pack with him in the image embedded above. Thus, providing the evidence we need to back up the theory of the confrontation between Barry Allen and Zoom being resolved before the conclusion of the Season Two finale. Another image of Grant Gustin depicts Barry Allen/The Flash with a look of satisfaction on his face, almost like he's just defeated Zoom and is looking on at Harrison Wells and Jesse Wells going back to Earth-2.

Is Jesse Wells staying on Earth-1 to become 'Jesse Quick' at some point in the future?

These images provide us with a positive outlook for the conclusion of this season of "The Flash". If the Zoom fight does conclude with Barry Allen successful and no more casualties incurred by Team Flash, Harrison Wells and Jesse Wells will likely be on their way back to Earth-2 unless Jesse Wells decides to stay on Earth-1. Jesse Wells has just been affected by the dark matter energy from the Particle Accelerator explosion, as well as being awakened by the connectivity from the Speed-Force which Barry Allen bestowed upon her, after his return from the nexus of the Speed-Force. In the scenario that Earth-2 is an element left touched upon in a future season of "The Flash", Jesse Wells may be staying on Earth-1 to fulfill her comic-book counterpart's destiny by becoming the speedster, Jesse Quick.

But going back to the conclusion of the Season Two finale. In the scenario that Barry Allen has successfully defeated Zoom, and Harrison Wells is on his way off of Earth-1, how is he going to return to Earth-2? Well we may already have that answer in a screenshot from the newest trailer for Season Two, Episode 23 "Race Of His Life".

Cisco Ramon opening the breaches again, possibly for the last time, in order to return Harrison Wells to Earth-2.

It appears that Cisco Ramon will be pivotal in opening the breaches to Earth-2, in order to return Harrison Wells to his homeworld. Unless, Cisco Ramon a.k.a. Vibe will have a role in defeating Zoom when Barry Allen goes to confront him. Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) has experienced several levels of his meta-human powers developing over Season Two, but it hasn't really lead to any major event occurring in correlation to the development of Cisco Ramon's meta-human abilities. Although, the season finale would be the perfect time for Cisco Ramon to fully embrace his meta-human nature, by becoming a pivotal role in defeating Zoom.

The images embedded above may have given us the clues we need to determine the result of the conflict between Barry Allen and Zoom, but we're still completely in the dark about the fate of Earth-2. Last time we saw Earth-2 was in the premonition sensed by Cisco Ramon/Vibe. And the fate of Earth-2 didn't look too good within Cisco's vibe.

Earth-2 must be saved from its prophesied doom, the man in the iron mask has yet to be revealed either.

We can place this image aside as we can expect the defeat of Zoom to result in this possible future no longer existing. Meaning Earth-2 is saved from destruction, or the destruction of Earth-2 may come at a later time. We also still have more events expected to take place on Earth-2. For one, we still need an answer to who the man in the iron mask is.

Earth-2 will have to survive for us to discover who the man behind the iron mask is. Although Team Flash may not find out who the man in the mask is until a later time. Going along with the theory of Harrison Wells returning to Earth-2 after Zoom is defeated by The Flash, Harrison Wells may be the only one to return to Earth-2 after Zoom's reign of terror is ended by The Flash.

Taking account for the images embedded above, providing us with enough information to deduce that Harrison Wells will be on his way back to Earth-2 at the conclusion of the Season Two finale of "The Flash". We can assume that Harrison Wells be on his own when he returns to Earth-2. As well as Harrison Wells returning to his homeworld, we also know that the man in the iron mask will be revealed at some point in the episode. And the only relevant character of Earth-2 being present on Earth-2 after the events of the season finale of "The Flash" is Harrison Wells, he'll be the one to free the man in the iron mask. Or could Harrison Wells prove to be just as menacing as Eobard Thawne from the future, with an intent to keep the man in the iron mask imprisoned?

There's been confirmation from Marc Guggenheim of the production team behind "The Flash" that the man in the iron mask will be revealed at the conclusion of the Season Two finale. But as to how the reveal will play out is yet to be seen. In the scenario that Harrison Wells returns to Earth-2 and goes to see the man in the iron mask, Wells may not free him right away. That's all speculative for the moment. But seeing is that Harrison Wells will be the only main character present on Earth-2 at the conclusion of the Season Two finale, he'll likely be the one to visit the man in the iron mask, possibly freeing him at the same time, or not. But we do know that the man in the iron mask's identity will be revealed at some point during the Season Two finale of "The Flash", and it is then that we'll have an answer to the question raised since Team Flash's first excursion out to Earth-2; who is the man in the iron mask? That's all we can speculate on for now. But it's safe to assume that the Season Two finale of "The Flash" will conclude with Harrison Wells returning to Earth-2 and revealing the identity of the man in the iron mask.


About the Creator

Allie Z.

I cover most entertainment related topics and am venturing into journalism.

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