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Top 10 Most F***ed Up Movies

That Definitely Don't Suck

By Niki BambiPublished 6 years ago 8 min read

Sitting on Netflix for the better part of my weekends, surfing all through Amazon Prime, clicking through Hulu, and looking through other countless sites of movies and documentaries, I’ve seen so many films that have either fucked me up, mind fucked me, or were just SO fucked up in terms of values and morals. Without further ado, I give you the most fucked up movies that definitely do not suck, from mildly offensive to psychologically sickening. Before you read on, full disclosure, don’t count on seeing The Human Centipede on here, AND! for the record!!!... Cloverfield Paradox was shit.

#10 'Mystic River' (2003)

First of all, Mystic River has a great cast. Kevin Bacon, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Marcia Harden, and of course the amazing Emmy Rossum, just to name the main cast. The story involves three lifelong friends, a traumatizing childhood, and a really fucked up murder. It might sound basic, but the movie is far from it. I can’t even tell you how many times I said “OMG NO” during this movie. Sean Penn looks fine as hell even though he looks like he’s 5 feet tall, but besides that, he plays an amazing father in this movie. His character is troubled and you sometimes just wanna hug him. For the shock of your life, you absolutely have to watch this one. And! It was directed by Clint Eastwood. So that’s a huge plus.

You can find this movie on Amazon Prime.

#9 'Cape Fear' (1991)

Cape Fear stars Robert Di Niro, Nick Nolte, Juliette Lewis (yum), and Jessica Lange (yum but for older ladies). I think Jessica Lange is one of the hottest actresses out there, just sayin’. Anyway, Robert Di Niro’s character plays a convicted rapist, who is sickening, and very persuasive, to say the least. Juliette Lewis was super young in this movie and plays the role of a naïve daughter perfectly. It’s creepy, thrilling, and makes you wanna punch Di Niro’s pervy, revenge-seeking character right in the face.

You can watch this one on Amazon Prime.

#8 'Frozen' (2010)

When I tell people to watch Frozen they look at me like ??????. No, it’s not the children’s movie. This one stars Kevin Zegers (you might know him from Gossip Girl, the Air Bud movies, and a bunch of other films and television shows. If not, you’ll see his face and know exactly who he is), Emma Bell plays his girlfriend, and Shawn Ashmore plays his best friend. The three take a ski trip on the slopes, go for a ride on the chairlift above all the freezing cold snow, and things just take a turn for the absolute worst. This movie is fucked up and just makes you really feel for the three of them. It’s one of those movies that’s great to watch because the situation just sucks SO bad and makes you think “I’m so glad that isn’t me.” Watch this one under a huge blanket ‘cause it’ll probably make you cold. You know, ‘cause of all the snow.

I’m pretty sure this one is available on both Netflix and Amazon Prime.

#7 'Ritual' (2017)

Now, Ritual is kind of farfetched, but is definitely demonic in its own way. A group of guy friends go on a hiking trip after one of their buddies is killed in a messed up way, witnessed by one of the guys in the group. Everything goes fine until one of the guys hurts his ankle and they decide to take an alternate route. You could probably see where this one is headed. They discover a cabin, and once inside, shit just gets messy. It gets fucked up when the guys have no memory of weird shit that happens to them, and from there things just get worse.

You can watch it on Netflix.

#6 'Red Dragon' (2002)

This film stars the amazing Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter (we all know who that is) and Edward Norton. I found this movie on Netflix and had it on my watch list for a while. When I couldn’t find anything else to watch one day, I just gave up and turned this on and I’m so happy I did. The opening scene is Hannibal entertaining a party of guests, and they just LOVE what he made them for dinner. Anyway... a serial killer by the name of “The Tooth Fairy” is just fucking people up left and right, and Edward Norton’s character is trying to track him down with Hannibal’s help. This Tooth Fairy guy is crazy and the origin of why he’s the way he is is really creepy. Watch this movie and see how he got his un-menacing name, and to watch how Edward Norton’s character uses Hannibal’s incredible mind to track down this new serial killer.

Amazon Prime.

#5 'Open House' (2018)

This movie’s concept was kind of stupid and was just something I turned on to pass the time while cleaning, but at the end of the movie and after thinking about its conclusion, it’s just straight up creepy. So it stars the kid from 13 Reasons Why (Dylan Minnette), and then a bunch of randoms. Basically, they need to move into his aunt’s house for a short time, which she’s in the process of trying to sell. This is where the movie’s title, Open House comes in. While Minnette’s character and his mom are living in the house, outsiders walk in and out of the house freely to look around and see if they’re interested (you know how an open house works). Things get really weird when it seems like someone is sneakily lurking around the house, fucking with the electric and opening doors. Do you ever see this person? Maybe, maybe not. That’s what is so unsettling about this film.

This one is a Netflix original.

#4 'Craters of the Moon' (2016)

This movie had me all fucked up in the end. It’s about love, or lack thereof. A couple goes on a road trip together and eventually they become stranded in the snow. When things start looking worse as the days pass, the boyfriend starts losing his shit and says a bunch of dark, cynical shit, somewhat along the lines of killing his girlfriend and eating her, for example (he’s a real douche). Anyway, it makes you think about how you could be in a relationship with a complete psychopath and not know it until literally no one is around to help you.

Amazon Prime, bro!!!

#3 'We Need to Talk about Kevin' (2011)

OMG this movie is so good. Ezra Miller stars as Kevin (the son), Tilda Swinton plays the role of an uninterested mother all too well, and John C. Reilly is actually really good in this role even though the movie is nowhere near a comedy. Kevin is a kid who was doomed from the beginning, and you just keep saying to yourself as the movie shows him in his childhood, “what a little shit!!!” Swinton’s character really tries to be a loving and affectionate mother, but her son is all too demented and evil for her to even begin to know how to care for him. He grows up having a closer relationship to his father and acting his true, dangerous self towards his mother. She is really conflicted as to how to handle him, and throughout the movie, it flips back and forth between “then” and “now” of Swinton’s character’s life. After all the fucked up things Kev has said and done throughout his life, the end of the movie is nothing you’re gonna be ready for.

Another Amazon Prime movie.

#2 'The Stanford Prison Experiment' (2015)

This movie is based off a true story which makes it even more fucked up. In 1971, an experiment was conducted to see how people respond to the roles of power, or lack thereof. Boys were chosen at random as they applied for the experiment either as prison guards, or prisoners. Shit gets crazy after literally 12 hours. The mastermind behind the experiment is played by Billy Crudup (you’ll know him when you see him), and most of the “guinea pigs” of the experiment are played by a bunch of familiar faces, including Ezra Miller!! Yes, his second appearance on this list. The movie shows you how a little bit of authority, fake (like in this movie) or not, can turn someone into a real prick. It psychologically fucked with boys’ heads, and the scientist behind it could see it all along.

I believe this one is on Netflix.

#1 'Sleepers' (1996)

Finally, we are at my number one! Sleepers!!! This movie goes above and beyond being fucked up. It’s also based on a true story, which makes it increasingly more disturbing. Starring a few familiar faces, such as Robert De Niro (yes, his second appearance on this list), Kevin Bacon (yes, again), Billy Crudup (MHM HIM AGAIN, TOO), and a few more, the movie is about a group of lifelong friends who pulled a prank which started off as so minor, and then took a turn for the absolute worst, so that the consequences at a detention center scarred them for life. What the boys (now as grown men) are after is revenge, and Robert De Niro, a priest who knew the boys all their lives, has to make a very tough decision if it means saving them from any more psychological damage and giving them some justice. All I could think this whole movie was “holy shit, I can’t believe this actually happened to some poor, innocent kids.”

If you don't have Amazon Prime, you have to get it because this one is on it, too!

Go ahead and bookmark this list so you can binge away next time it's pouring rain out, you’re in bed sick, or you’re home from work because of a snowstorm.


About the Creator

Niki Bambi

Cool girl from New Jersey. I love people and I always appreciate a pretty sky. Love educating, love children, love the beach, love outdoors, love the sunshine, love the rain, love learning, and love my dog (duh).

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