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Watch the Pieces Fall (Ch. 1)

Chapter 1

By Revaewin IdessPublished 6 years ago 6 min read


“I can’t keep doing this…” you mumble.

“Stop! Don’t say that! We’ll figure this out, alright? Please, just calm down.”

“No Dean!” you snapped, “I can’t just sit here and watch you fall in love with her all over again like the two of you are still teenagers! I can’t just stand by and hope that you come back to me! It hurts too much... I can’t do it anymore... I won’t...” you hollered before he could say anything.

Taking a couple steps towards him, you looked him straight in the eyes. They were now brimming with tears, “You break my heart a little more each day, so I’ll save you the trouble of watching the pieces fall and just leave now...” and turned to walk away.

“No... wait, please!! Don’t go, don’t leave like this... Please, I’m begging you!” Dean hurried out, trying to convince you to give him just a bit more time.

“Just stop, Dean! I saw you, alright?! I heard what you said to her! That you still love her! That if you could go back and fix things you would... But where does that leave me, huh? Forgotten and left behind, that’s where!” you angrily screamed back at him.

Every fiber in your being felt red hot like you were being burned everywhere all at once, but at the same time, it felt as though your blood was running ice cold under your skin. It felt like your heart had exploded and left a giant hole in your chest. You couldn’t breathe and your legs felt as though they would give out from under you at any second.

“I’ll always have feelings for her, but that doesn’t mean my love for you isn’t real...” Dean tried again, reaching out to grab your wrist.

You instantly recoiled from his touch and turned away, not even able to look at him anymore, “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you scoffed.

“Please just let me expla—” he started but you cut him off.

“There’s nothing to explain, Dean!” You yelled back at him in slight disbelief.

You took a breath and tried to compose yourself a bit, “Whatever, I’m done... Just let me get my stuff and I’ll be out of here quicker than you can say pretty please...” and with that, you shoved past him towards your shared room.

As soon as you made it through the doorway you slammed and locked the door, just wanting a few moments of peace and quiet to yourself. You started cramming your clothes, and the few items you had collected over the years, into your duffel as quickly as you could.

All you wanted to do was crumble to the floor and bawl your eyes out for days, but you needed to get out of here. This place had too many memories which were now tainted. It felt like the walls were starting to close in on you and the crushing feeling in your chest was getting worse. You needed to leave and you needed to do it now.

You unlocked the bedroom door, swung it open with a thud, and charged down the hallway not even looking at Dean as he was right on your tail begging you to stay.

“Wait, wait, wait... Please just... Wait a second! Please!” he cried after you but you just kept walking towards the bunker's garage.

You finally made it to your Camaro and started it up, throwing your bag into the backseat. But Dean wasn’t about to just let you leave just like that. He stood in between you and the car door so you couldn’t shut it.

“Dean. Move. Now,” you said calmly, staring straight ahead. You knew he heard the pain in your voice because he winced like he’d been hit and dropped his head, slowly stepping back from your car.

You sped out of the garage, looking in your rearview mirror at Dean. He had his hands in his hair and turned to punch the wall. You faced toward the road and never looked back again.

Dean stared after you whispering, “But you’re the one I want...” knowing there was no way you’d hear it.

You drove until you couldn’t go any further. You had to pull over as everything hit you all at once. Suddenly you couldn’t see and realized you were crying as sob after sob escaped your chest. You slammed your hands against the steering wheel, again and again, taking out some of your frustration.

You sat there for a few minutes collecting yourself. You were tired and didn’t want to think anymore, so you pulled back onto the road heading for the nearest hotel.

As soon as you checked in, convincing the lady at the desk you were fine, you made it to your room and locked the door, immediately falling backward onto the bed. Not even bothering to change your clothes, you curled up in a ball and cried yourself to sleep. You didn’t care if the people in the next room heard you or not.

When you woke up, you rolled over to grab your phone to check the time. Once you grabbed it you saw it was dead, “Damn it, it must’ve shut off sometime yesterday and I didn’t even realize it...”

Sitting up with a groan you rubbed your eyes. They were dry and puffy now. You grumbled about the fact that you also had a splitting headache as you got up and dug around your bag for your charger. You plugged in your phone and when it finally loaded the lock screen you dropped your phone on your lap, letting out a frustrated groan.

“Four... Fucking... Thirty... In the goddamn morning... Are you serious??” You had only been asleep for a few hours.

Picking up your phone again, you had about 40 unread messages and 20 missed calls. From the looks of it, they were all from Dean. Great.

Hitting the lock button you slid your phone across the little nightstand; you so weren’t ready for all that.

Unable to sleep anymore you decided to hit up the minibar. “At least there’s alcohol...”

So you sat there and drank. And drank. Until all of those little bottles were gone, as well as the whole bottle of Jack Daniels you had stashed in your car for nights just like this.

After sitting there for a while you looked down, crying when you noticed what you were wearing. You had forgotten to change before you left. You were still wearing one of Dean’s favorite shirts. And of course, it smelled just like him.

“This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought...” you quietly sobbed and sank lower in your chair.

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